webrtc chat WEBRTC Chat


Here you can find the most common questions/answers about the WEBRTC chat

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Answer to question

WEBRTC chat allows you to quickly intergate a full webcrt video chat to your site

Answer to question

Yes: we have a totally free and a paid version

Answer to question

The free version has some limited features like limited number of rooms, limited number of webcam, limited bandwith for webcams, and generally speaking less features.
The paid version has unlimited features.

Answer to question

First register.
Then you will receive 1 line of jaavscript code. Just insert that javascript code to your website and that's all.
You can also make a direct link to the chat. (Link is provided in the email as well)

Answer to question

You can administrate your WEBRTC chat in the chat admin panel. You need your email/password to enter chat admin.

Answer to question

No: only firefox and chrome support webrtc streaming. If you are looking for an hybrid chat, please check Html5 chat

100% Flash video chat | HTml5 + flash chat |